Team Members

QuRUNNER is a scientific project that joins expertise from two research groups from IT, he Optical Quantum Communications and Technologies Group at IT Aveiro (OQCT-Av) and the Security and Quantum Information Group (SQIG-Lx) at IT Lisbon.  The OQCT group at IT Aveiro has been focusing in experimental and numerical issues, and successfully developed single-photon and entangled photon-pairs sources, a polarization coding scheme for single and entangled photon-pairs, a quantum BER measurement scheme, a test of entanglement Recently, the OQCT-Av IT group implements a bit commitment protocol based on the polarization of single photons. The SQIG group at IT Lisbon has been addressing theoretical issues and proposed new protocols for message authentication, for contract signing, for bit commitment and oblivious transfer.

The project team is constituted by members of the following IT groups:

  • OQCT-Av – Optical Quantum Communications and Technologies Group, IT Aveiro
  • SQIG-Lx – Security and Quantum Information Group, IT Lisbon

The project Executive Team is constituted by:

  • Nuno Alexandre Silva
  • António Teixeira
  • Paulo Mateus

The project team is constituted by members of the following IT groups:


    • OQCT‐Av – Optical Quantum Communications and Technologies, IT Aveiro


    • SQIG‐Lx – Security and Quantum Information, IT Lisboa

    Project Collaborators: